This design is perfect for middle length nails. Deep black and pale lemon hues are combined here. If you appreciate contrastive combinations, you’ll definitely like this design. A yellow nail polish is used on the ring fingers and the nail art is used on the middle ones. The lines of black rhinestones make the design complete.
This is a luxurious choice of manicure for ladies, who prefer to be distinguished in the crowd by original style and character. All nails are varnished with a black matte color. Geometrical details make the manicure more expressive and unusual. Such manicure design is capable to give the lady a hint of luxury. The owner of these nails will look confident and stylish.
Such bright nails suit well for party in witch style. These nails are made in yellow black hues witha touch of green and white. Such witchcraft on the nails you can make yourself if you have skills of nail art. It’s nothing difficult – the nails are varnished with yellow gel nail polish and then the patterns in Halloween themes are made on them. Merry holidays!
Such combination of black and yellow nail polishes becomes a hit of this season. If you add here white color and paint something of Halloween themes on the nails surely you catch the attention of other people. You can paint anything the patterns should be only in a single style. For example, the patterns of black cats, pumpkins and spider’s web are made here.
Such nails, in spite of its refinement, suit only for ladies who like to experiment. The combination of yellow and black nail polishes made the nails like small barrels. The opposite French technique is used here. The nails look attractive, but the nails should be lenghthened and flat, should be shaped well and of square shape. Otherwise – not possibly!
Only a man who has an experiencein your work can create such evening manicure. Here the elegant black tips combines with the patterns in Indian style. Here the half moon technique is used and the decorative trimming with rhinestones. The nail technician chose successful combination of black, beige and dark yellow hues. Look, these nails look fantastic!
This rather a spectacular version of nail design is notable for the unexpected combination of black and yellow gel varnishes. A manicure looks bravely, so it is best to time his creation to the festive event. If the nails with yellow varnish does not need to be improved, then a black background can be applied by a pattern from rhinestones, and also to draw vignettes by a yellow shade. You should to build your nails for such a manicure.
The option of nail design, which will reveal your originality is a combination of lemon polish shade with a pattern on a black background. Of course, for office work, this design may seem too bold. But the holiday it will be appropriate, because of its concept – the brightness and contrast. Plenty of colorful peas on a black background and a beautiful yellow lacquers symbolize day and night.
These exquisite nails can be your main decoration at the following occasion. It is better to do it on oval lengthened nails. You can even sharpen them a little bit for better effect. For this variant black and ivory nail polishes are chosen. Such color combination makes this design unique and stylish. And different embellishments make the image of a delicate woman complete.
An incredible combination of light green and black colours. It’s impossimble not to pay attention on this manicure. Pointing fingers are covered with black matte foundation. Middle fingers and little fingers are in light green colour. On the middle finger is made a décor from small stones. Unnamed fingers are covered with black base, on which is applied a green color pattern in the form of flowers, decorated with stones. It is perfect for special occasions.
The great combination of two types of manicure – french and moon intertwine in this variant of the design of nails. Select nails which will be painted in a single colour using a bright yellow colour. A black lacquer will look contrasting with the shade. It is applied on the middle and ring fingers. The nail plate is covered in the technique of lunar design and conversely french. Bright and juicy summer manicure, which will attract the eye and will not leave anyone indifferent.
The combination of black and yellow is a bright selection that is guaranteed to attract attention. Thanks to the avant-garde design, nails look very safe. Classic moon manicure, made in an unusual range, is suitable for self-confident girls. With proper selection of clothing and accessories such conspicuous design will become the center of daily or evening image.