French millennium nails

Such gorgeous nails suit for any woman of all age groups and any length of nails. Look, how stylish is the design in white gold hues on the shortened nails of square shape. The nail technician chose usual white gel nail polish. The ivory yellow hue looks great here. Decorativespangles and powdering are used just in several techniques – French and half moon.

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Do you know that tips can be made with a nail polish of any color, even with it that has the spangles? it should be suitable for a basic nail polish. For example, it looks great the tips of lilac hue with pale pink on the base. Cut your nails in square shape, then the tips will be ideal. Add some decorative elements on one of the nails. Such manicure is easy and suits for every day.

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Such elegant manicure with the blue tips can make any nails more beautiful if they are long enough. Make the extended nails. Then cover your nails with pale pink nail polish. Choose dark blue gel nail polish with the spangles to make such tips. The “smile” is small. Don’t make the corners of the “smiles” deep. The floral pattern can be made with white nail polish on the nail of the ring finger.

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The manicure will be stylish today if you use the French technique. You can be trendy if you use the idea of turquoise tips, which are made on the extended square nails. Choose body colored nail polish for the base. Such color shouldn’t draw your attention away from the brightness of the stripes on the tips. Use gel nail polish with the spangles. Add this design of manicure with some tiny hearts.

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A lot of young girls like the experimental variants of manicure including the vivid tips. Such spring time design can add you some light mood with some coquetry. Make the gradient with lilac nail polish with the spangles. Leave the nails uncolored or cover them with nail polish of natural hue. The tips will look more interesting if you make them on the lenghthened nails. Don’t forget about gloss!

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Such unusual tips always catch the attention of other people. Try to create the unusual conception of manicure chose the interesting color combination. For example, in our case the nail technician varnished the base of your nails with light pink nail polish. He made the wide tips when he made the sky blue floral pattern on the white base. If you have an opportunity, you can decorate several nails with some tiny rhinestones. Make this manicure on the extended nails.

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If you are the worshipper of the nail polishes with the spangles, you like surely such manicure. With the help of it the tips are made on the short square nails. Body-colored nail polish can be the basic covering. One more variant – don’t varnish quite your nails. The accent is made on the nail of the ring finger, which is varnished with violet nail polish – the same that is used for the tips. Such manicure needs some gloss.

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This interesting though rather unusual manicure is made with the help of pink nail polish and dark grey nail polish with the spangles. Such manicure should be made on the extended nails of square shape. The stripe on the tip should be wide to add it maximum gloss. This manicure is stylish enough to add it to the “showy” collection. But the combination of the hues needs the suitable dress.

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The French technique in combination with the gradient technique is very popular today. The gradient covers only the half of the nail. In this case the nail technician chose such technique. Bright green nail polish is chosen for the tips. The silver gradient is made over. The base of the nail isn’t varnished beforehand. The nail technician added your manicure with the bright turquoise painting to make this design more expressive.

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Choose pink beige nail polish of body- colored hue for the base of your nails. Work at the painting of the tips, because they are the main conception of the whole manicure. To make it, you should have several bright nail polishes of contrasting hues with the spangles – blue, red, yellow, green and etc.  The tips are made in two colors on every nails. Such manicure is perfect for any party.

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One of the most stylish today variants of nail art is presented in this photo. The nail technician chose the “broken glass” technique, which came from Korea. Such manicure is made on the extended tapered nails. The glitter with holographical effect covers the stick out parts of the nails. The spangles are put neatly on the black tips.

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Would you like to have some romantic in the cold winter day? Use such conception of the manicure, which the nail technician proposes you. The work isn’t difficult but the result looks wonderful. The golden tips are made on the nails, which are covered with transparent nail polish or with body- colored nail polish. The nails should be short. It will be better to form them into a square shape. It doesn’t need any additional elements of décor for such manicure.

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Among the ideas of New Year’s manicures this variant doesn’t occupy the last place. The nails seem that they become covered with hoarfrost, because the nail technician made the wide stripes on the tips. He used blue nail polish with the spangles here. The parts of the nails are left untouched. When nail polish is dried, the patterns of the snowflakes are made on the blue covering. Use white nail polish with silver tint for it.

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Such designer’s manicure looks stylish and can be made on the extended nails. The nail technician formed them into a tapered shape. Then he varnished them with body- colored nail polish and made the black tips. When gel nail polish is dried, the manicure film is put on the border between the tips and the light parts of the nails. As a result the effect of the “broken glass” is made here. Such effect helps to make your nails more voluminous and the design – more unique.

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Such unusual nail art can be made only on the extended tapered nails. The main part of the nails is covered with pale beige nail polish. The tips are made with the help of the violet nail polish with the spangles. The double tips are the uniqueness of this manicure here. One more stripe is on the border of the tips. It is made in the unshowy grey hue. It catches the attention of other people not at once but makes the color of manicure.

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Such interesting manicure can be made for the New Year’s holidays. In spite of this manicure is made in the black French technique but it looks rather stylish. The nails should be light – use milky pink nail polish for it. This hue will look lighter thanks to the black tips. Transparent nail polish with the bright spangles makes your manicure more exclusive.

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