Such two-colored matte manicure is a real hit and stylish trend in the nail art. It looks interesting, trendy, modest and suits any image. You can see a beautiful combination with a glossy pattern on the ring finger.
Here you can see a very simple and neat manicure. It can be used as casual or for some evening events. Cover your nails with a blue nail polish with a pearl tint. This design looks great on short nails of square or slightly square shape. Rhinestones make this design rich and complete.
A classical French manicure is ideal in any situation. It looks great on short square nails. A base can be made clear or in a pink hue. The tips are painted with the help of a thin brush and white acrylic paint. The distinctive feature of this design is a dreamcatcher pattern.
Here a beautiful idea of a manicure with a special theme is represented. It suits perfectly for young mummies. This design looks great on short nails or of medium length. The shape can be square or slightly square. Yellow and blue are used as a base. On the ring fingers we paint these wonderful patterns in a delicate theme.
Such elegant black and beige nails are an ideal choice for any festive evening. Look, how interesting the nail technician emphasizes the lunulae? The triangle patterns make your nails unusual. They don’t make the impression of the breach of nail’s structure.The young designers of nail artmake so.Subdued beige color combines ideal with black one.
Such original nails are made in black white hues and calls up associations with Silver Age. French technique is a base of these nails. The nail technician combined great black and white nail polishes that to use this technique. The pattern attractsthe attention of other people, too. It is the alternation of black and white netlike patterns. The black rhinestones are on some nails. It’s very delicate nails!
This is a strict, neat design manicure. It will be perfect for a woman-chief or business woman. Shiny black varnish on the edge of the nail will emphasize your status. Moreover, a design of the nail in the “white collar” style will complement the image of a strict boss. Classic french manicure with the addition of drawing on one nail, for sure will attract the attention of others!
A motley and very nice option of design for your nails. The classic symbiosis of black and white on one of the nails, looks as a winner, and the use on several nails the colour of melted milk give the overall design a kind of warmth and tenderness. The matte black nails on which near bases the golden decoration with shiny stones are responsible for a striking effect. With such a manicure you will become a real style icon!
The neat bright manicure will nice look on the long thin nails. The nails are covered with bright red nail polish. The other two are varnished in the diagonal technique and are decorated with the rhinestones. Use black, in combination with red the harmonious design comes out. This wonderful manicure suits well for the important event: the graduation party or the party.
A strict black nail manicure, which can easily decorate your nails. The use of the relief pattern creates an image of a stylish woman who knows her worth. A white arrow on one of the nails adequately completes the composition. This type of a nail design will look great with black dress, or evening dress with suitable colours. Believe me, with such a manicure you will be irresistible!
Such manicure with using of pink and lilac nail polishes can look bright enough. In this case the nail technician chose the light hues. He created a nice romantic design that is suitable for many occasions. If you add your nails with the curls pattern and the decoration of the rhinestones, you make your nails more festive. With these nails you can make supper with the candles for two.
This is the fine business manicure. It adds your modest style some special delicacy. Beautiful lilac combines great with the white lunulae. The base of the nails should be varnished with a darker hue. Draw the lunulae on them. You add some special appeal to your manicure if you use the powder in a hue of nail polish. The rhinestones add some festivity to your nails. Put them like the pyramidion.
Such classical red manicure will be the ideal choice. It looks great with any your image. The short square nails suit ideally for the creation of these nails. Varnish neatly every nail. On the nail of the ring finger you should make an unobtrusive accent. Draw the fine net with the help of black nails polish and the thin brush.
This is the elegant and very modern manicure. It emphasizes great your business style of clothes. The beautiful combination of black and white looks ideal. The short oval nails look nice in this style of manicure. Varnish your nails with nail polish in two colors. Draw a pattern of the roses on the contrary hues.
These long nails in light beige color look very effective. Such style of manicure is very practical, because it suits well for any your image of clothes. Form your nails into a square shape with the help of the emery board. Varnish neatly all your nails with milky white nail polish. Make the bright accent on the nail of the ring finger. Glue the black rhinestones like the arch on the nail. The simple and delicate nails look effective enough.