Would you like to make this classical French manicure? It is easy enough. A pale pink nail polish is used for the base and a white hue is used on the tips. The long nails of oval shape are perfect for this design. For making the nails elegant you should decorate them with tiny rhinestones. This variant is perfect for any occasion.
There are a lot of ideas for the French manicure. It seems what we can invent here! Only pink and white nail polishes are used here. But the essence is in details and the details can be different. Take this thought in your mind creating your variant of manicure. For example, such delicate design of French will ideally suit to big blue rhinestones.
At first sight this is a simple French technique. But if you look more attentively then you will see a stylish beautiful springtime French manicure. An unusual floral pattern looks very elegant. A delicate pink design with nice lunula will draw the attention of other people.
This beautiful manicure made in a classical French style is perfect for short square nails. The base is clear here and white tips are narrow. To make this manicure more impressive the accent is made on the ring and pinky nails. Cover them with pink and lilac sparkling powder.
There are days when you have especially girl’s mood, you want to put a baby-doll dress on and buy a pink candy on a stick … Then you should make a soft French manicure to according to your mood. If you want to draw a perfect line of a “smile”, you need to have a steady hand or make your life easy by using a special pencil. As the French manicure is self-sufficient, it will be better to decorate all nails, covered with a milky-white nail polish, with jewelry from Swarovski crystals.
There are many variants of french manicure, and they look chicly on the manicured hands. On short nails pink and white french looks very exquisitely and carefully. The emphasis is on the ring finger. Beautiful lacy snowflake is drawn by white color, which is complemented by bright crystals of different size. The pretornal bed of a nail is laid by small stones, which will also draw attention to the winter manicure.
A classical pink manicure will never be out of fashion. And if you add obtrusive white tips, it will be really stylish. It doesn’t matter if you are an older woman or a young girl, there is only one thing you need – elegant long nails. On some of the nails you can use the half moon technique in a dark beige hue.
Bright pink enamel nail polish in combination with white tips looks unusual and makes your manicure rather original. If you use the curls pattern in addition, such design will look very stylish. Use the white acrylic covering to make this pattern. You can use the half moon technique here. Make the same ornamental stripe near the lunula on the nail of the middle finger. Rich nail polish catches the attention of other people to your fingers.
The classical French manicure is made here on the base of the enamel pink nail polish. The nails of the medium length suit ideally for it. The stripes on the tips should be of the optimal width. They shouldn’t catch the attention of other people. Play with the painting of the stripe on the nail of the ring finger. Make the geometrical pattern like triangle instead of the stripes. Such triangular tips can be shaded with grey nail polish. Such manicure is casual.
Do you prepare for the New Year’s party and think over the conception of your festive manicure? The classical tips on the nails of the medium length will be an interesting variant for the elegant girls. Don’t choose transparent nail polish for the work. Use enamel pink nail polish, which makes your nails the lightest. The tips are made with the help of usual white nail polish. The accent on the nail of the ring finger can be made with the help of silver nail polish and the patterns of the snowflakes.
Would you like to make the wonderful manicure for the romantic date, which can tell your interlocutor a lot about you. That’s why it would be better to choose the French manicure in the classical technique. Pale pink nail polish will be the perfect base on which you can draw the white tips “smiles”. The accent on the nail of the ring finger can be made with the help of white nail polish and the bright big floral décor.